With both of my girls I have let them decide when to get their ears pierced. Now I have probably put the idea in their heads, but I wanted them to decide. So from time to time I have asked Anastyn if she wants to get hers pierced and she has always said, "no,later." Which was great. Well, we went to the southtown mall to do a return and we walked by the Ear Piercing place and I asked her if she wanted to get her ears pierced and she said no. So we did our return and on the way out Anastyn told me that she wanted to get her ears pierced after she went on the escalator. (She loves going up and down so I told her if she was good at the store she could go on the escalator). I tried to talk her out of it, I tried to tell her lets wait so dad and Taeya could be with us but she was so insistent. I called Gordon and he gave me the okay so we went for it. She was so excited and calm at first. They did the first ear and she of course starting crying but they quickly did the second ear, I thought she was just in pain initially, but she was mad. She didn't want to look in the mirror, she didn't want a sucker, she didn't want to go see Santa. The only thing that cheered her up was a train ride. I was so glad that she finally piped and she was fine from then on. Happy to show off her new purple earings.
Before - look at that smile on her face, she was so excited. |
After - not so happy anymore.:( |
Finally happy again - Thank you train! |
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