It was finally time to say goodbye to the duckies! We've really enjoyed them and if they didn't poop all over the place I would seriously consider keeping them, but when you can't walk into the backyard without stepping in poop there is a problem! We decided to take them to a little pond that is fairly close to our house, that way we can check on them regularly. So, goodbye duckies!
Alayna, Brynn, Taeya, and Kira waiting for the ducks to be released into the pond.
Goodbye Blackberry and Daisy |
I think they like it. |
The girls were feeding them some bread so they would be happy. :) |
We checked on the ducks later on in the day and they were no longer in the pond, they were in the backyard of the homes right behind the pond! Maybe since they spent the first 4 months of their lives in our backyard they just didn't think the pond was their new home??? Hopefully the homeowners don't mind some new pets!
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