When I was growing up we had pet ducks a few times. Some of the ducks lives ended tragically with the neighbors hunting dog busting through the fence, other times they flew away. We got lucky with a male and female mallard one time and they even even had baby ducks, that was super fun. They always seemed so easy, you put out some food and change the water occasionally and that was it. So I got the brilliant idea to get some baby ducks for the girls just for easter. They are so excited! My plan is to take them to a pond when they get big. Maybe it was a bad idea.......we'll see.
Taeya picked out the blackish one and named her "Blackberry." They yellow one is Anastyn's and we named her "Daisy." |
They girls are so excited to have little baby ducks! |
Taeya with Blackberry |
Anastyn with Daisy - I hope she survives. She has already been dropped several times, poor thing. |
Taeya rushed home from school the next day to hold both the ducks. So exciting! |
I can't believe you got little ducks! How cute. Are they still alive? ;)
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