My nephew C.J. got him mission call to the Peru, Chiclayo mission. We are so excited for him. He will be such an awesome missionary and we are so happy he is setting such a great example for the other cousins in the family. The girls and I were able to drive to Idaho for the farewell with Kimberly since she was in town for the week. We left Friday afternoon and stopped at Uncle Howards on the way. Saturday morning we were able to go do a temple session with C.J. We went to breakfast afterwards. The afternoon was spent taking care of kids, and helping Chantel prepare food for the next day (I even snuck in a 10 mile run). Gordon drove up with Garrick and Kelly Sunday morning and we were all so excited to see him! We drove back home Sunday evening. What a fun weekend!
Aunt Jeanine, Kimberly and Uncle Howard |
Casey, C.J. and Chantel at the Idaho Falls Temple |
Brandalyn, C.J. and Kimberly |
Collin and Kenzly helped take care of all the kids while we were at the temple - they all survived! |
Me and Anastyn - right when we got home from the temple. |
I just had to take a picture of all the food - there was tons! They even had a pig in the garage (kindof gross but apparently it was pretty good, I didn't eat any!) |
Chantel, Casey, Kelly, Garrick, Kimberly, Chelsea, C.J., Brandalyn and Gordon |
Me and C.J. |
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