Ryan and Kristy weren't able to come to Lake Powell with us when we went with my whole family in June because Gage was just born the day before we left so they were anxious to get a trip in before it got cold and we were lucky enough to get invited! Since Gage is only 2 months old Ryan and Kristy wanted to keep the group size small. They invited us and their neighbors the Holyoaks. Truthfully I think we got invited because Gordon is so helpful with everything, but whatever the reason we were all excited to go.
We left our house Wednesday right after Taeya got out of school and we launched the boat just before the ramp closed at about 8:00pm. We stayed in the slip that night since the Holyoaks wouldn't be coming until Thursday morning. Wednesday night we walked to the pizza restaurant at the marina and then put food and luggage away then went to bed.
Thursday morning we got up, got everything ready and as soon as the Holyoaks arrived we pulled out of the slip and headed to Gunsight. We found an awesome spot to park the boat and the kids immediately got in the water and collected seashells. It worked out perfectly as far as kids and their ages, everyone had a friend even Anastyn! That afternoon the kids all tried knee boarding and we even took them out on the water to do some tubing. They all did great!
Friday morning we did some more tubing and relaxing but by Friday afternoon the weather turned to lighting, thunder and rain. It was a beautiful rainstorm but it really cooled things down and put a damper on our swimming. Taeya and Gordon went for a nice hike and I got to read alot of my book.
Saturday we took a drive to Rainbow Bridge. It was a great time of year to go because the weather is so much cooler. It was a nice drive - much shorter than I thought it would be. We stopped at the Dangling Rope Marina and got some ice cream on our way back to the houseboat. That afternoon the kids all waterskiied and played some more in the sand.
Sunday we had breakfast, packed up and went home. What a great trip - I just love Lake Powell. The food is always delicious, the company is always fun, and the water was so nice and warm, what more can you ask for??
Gordon showing Taeya how to knee board. |
All ready to give it a try. |
There she is way out in the water. I'm sure her back was hurting after this because of her posture while she was knee boarding. |
My nakey girls! She was ready to show dad how well she swims with flippers on. |
Taeya and Anastyn |
Taeya and Lizzy with the rainstorm in the background |
Gordon and Taeya with the pretty waterfalls in the background. |
Taeya, Lizzy, Dalli, and Anastyn |
Gordon and Anastyn walking up to rainbow bridge. |
Lizzy and Taeya - these 2 played together so well. They are both 5 years old and in Kindergarten. |
Our Family |
Daylen and Ryan - Kristy stayed on the houseboat with Gage |
After our drive to Rainbow Bridge the kids had a great time playing in the sand. |
Taeya wanted to be buried several times! |
Taeya having a refresher lesson on how to ski. |
I sat on the back of the waverunner so I could get some pictures - Taeya did awesome. Gordon likes to bribe Taeya to ski so at the marina earlier in the day Taeya picked out a necklace she could earn by skiing. In the past she would just get up for a few seconds, but we told her she had to stay up for a long time. She made 3 big loops, she did awesome, and she had a smile on her face the whole time she was doing it. |
Once again, this bucket was one of Anastyn's favorite playing spot! |
Taeya taking Gordon for a waverunner ride. |
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