Mother's day week-end was very enjoyable. Gordon did a 100 mile "Ghost Town" ride in Tooele so Friday night we drove out and went to dinner with Gord's mom and then swam in the pool at the hotel. Saturday morning Gord got up early to start the ride. The girls and I ate breakfast at the hotel and then went swimming again. Elaine met us at the hotel and took the girls to her primary activity while I went for a run. After my run we went and got some lunch and went back to the hotel for more swimming. The hotel let us have a late checkout so Anastyn had a little nap while Taeya swam with Presley (Elaine supervised). Gord got done with his ride around 3:30 (the girls were still swimming), he seemed great! He even got in the pool and swam around with the girls. After he showered and we finally checked out we went to dinner at Appleby's, then headed home. Taeya actually fell asleep on the drive home, so I know she was tired from all that swimming! (She never falls asleep in the car, unless it's really, really late).
Sunday morning we got ready for church and the minute we sat down in the chapel Anastyn threw up! So, Gordon took her home and I stayed at church. Taeya did a great job singing to me, it's so much fun seeing her up there singing! Since we spent friday and saturday with Elaine and my mom was in Idaho it was just a "me" day! Gordon made me some yummy pesto pasta for dinner and I made creme brulee for dessert. I got a new sewing machine in April so I counted that as my mothers day gift. Gordon surprised me with a new running watch. Since Anastyn was sick we really just hung out all day, it was nice and relaxing.
Most of the time I love being a mom. I wish there were a few more hours in the day so I could be the mom that I really want to be. Either that or I wish I had a maid! I really do love my girls and I wouldn't trade this time in my life for anything!
Taeya, Me and Anastyn - of course I didn't get a very good picture! |
It was fun to have a snuggly Anastyn all day long, just sad she wasn't feeling well. This is how she spent most of her day - either on my lap or Gordon's. |
This is a scan of the scrapbook page Taeya made for me at school. I love it! |
This is a little paper "purse" that Taeya filled in with all the things about me - I don't know why she spelled her name with 2 a's - she spells it right all the time. Silly girl! |
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