One last halloween I got skeleton jammies for my girls again this year and thought I would try to get a picture of them in the dark. This was quite the task, it is really impossible to keep a 4 year old and a 1 year old standing still for 10 seconds, we weren't very successful! After we were "finished" (at least done trying) Gordon looked at me and started laughing, he said we should have just layed the jammies on the ground and taken the picture. We will have to remember that next year. :)
This was the best we got! My cute little skeletons.
This was the best we got! My cute little skeletons.

What was I saying earlier? Not only is it impossible to get a 1 year old to stand still for 10 seconds, it's impossible to get her to hold still for 2 seconds so I could get a decent picture of her with the jammies on.

This was the setup - for the record, Taeya did a pretty great job. Anastyn kept wanting to jump off the stool!
so cute, can't stand it!! un
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