Taeya had a school field trip to Hee Haws on October 13th. Sadly I wasn't able to go with Taeya because Anastyn was sick but thanks to Stephanie (Ashlynn's mom) Taeya still got to go and have a great time. She and Ashlynn have become such great friends this year, they are so darn cute. She came home from the field trip happy so she must've had fun, right??
Taeya and Ashlynn

What kid doesn't love a slide?

Taeya and Ashlynn on the hay ride.

This was my sick little Anastyn at home.:( It's no fun when babies get sick. She started throwing up right after I got her pictures taken (previous post), I thought maybe she just ate too much cake! But she just threw up and threw up all afternoon. I thought she was feeling better, but threw up again the morning of Taeya's field trip. It was sad. We cuddled alot!
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