We have so many yearly traditions during Halloween, maybe it's because Gordon loves halloween so much, or maybe it's just a great time of year and there is a ton to do, but one of my favorite traditions is carving pumpkins with Mehlhoff's. We just love these guys so much and enjoy being with them.
We ate chicken tacos before the carving began. That must've fueled our energy level cause I think we finished carving in record time this year! We even got Austin a little involved!
Taeya get's so hyper when she's excited and she was definitely hyper this night. She had gymnastics earlier that day (hence the leotard) and she is showing us her cute spider hat she made at school.
Taeya, Ariel, and Anastyn - we love Ariel, she is so fun and beautiful.

Here is the proof that Austin helped, he cut the tops off the pumpkins then backed away!!

Gordon getting busy, he did have 3 pumpkins to carve!

Landon is so funny, he thought he would try eating the guts, he didn't really like it!

I don't know how we didn't get a picture of Micah carving but there's always next year. Here are the finished pumpkins: Ariels is the wolf, Landon did the "bum" Micah did the haunted house, Gordon did the Alien, I did the cat (Taeya claimed it), the grim reaper was a joint effort, I poked the holes but Gordon carved it, Gordon also did the polka dots for Taeya, and I did the letter "A" for Anastyn.

Me, Anastyn, Gordon Landon, Ariel, Taeya, and Micah (Austin left early, probably from the smell of the pumpkin guts!!)

Too bad the pumpkins didn't look this good for halloween night. Friday was just too nice of a day for already carved pumpkins.