Here are her stats:
Her appointment was 8/23/10
She weighed 37.4 lbs (60th %)
she is 42 inches tall (90th %)
(Just as a comparison, at her 3 year checkup she weighed 31 lbs and was 39 inches tall.)
Here are a few things about Taeya:
-She loves to play, she prefers to be at a friends house
-She has an amazing imagination
-She can write her own name
-She can count to 30 (gets 14 and 15 a little mixed up)
-She still loves polly pockets, anything in "families" (with a mom, dad, and kid), and barbies
-She loves to read and be read to
-She rides a bike with training wheels really well
-She loves to swim and is very confident in the water
-She is still very stubborn
-She is a great big sister, most of the time
-She still has some jealousy issues with Anastyn
-She currently loves "Princess and the Frog" and has watched it a million times in the Johnny Jumper in the basement
-She loves primary, last week after church she had me sit down on her bed and she pretended to be the primary teacher giving me a lesson
-She loves popcorn and can eat a lot of it
-Still loves sippy cups with ice and water
-She can buckle herself in her car seat
-She loves coloring and painting
-She loves her hair in "hanging ponytails"
-Still loves to change her clothes - still wears dressups
-She prefers to take a bath with a swimsuit on
-She loves gum
-She likes to be "in charge"
-She likes to be "in charge"
I'm sure there are a million more things to say about my sweet Taeya, I love her so much. I know I have a lot to learn by being her mother. Some days I think there are many other women who would be a better mother, but I wouldn't trade her for the world! She always asks me to "play" with her at the wrong times. I'm sure someday I will regret not "playing" with her more. I just wish life wasn't so busy, maybe I just need a live-in housekeeper! She is one of the greatest blessings in my life. I am so lucky to have her!
So sweet Bran. She is awesome! Love her.
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