Anastyn Elaine is now 1 week old. It took us until the Monday following her birth (the 21st) to give her a name. I was totally convinced I was having a boy so naming her was a problem. We were deciding between Tess, Raegan, and Adelaide. Anastyn was on the list but I had first heard the name from our friends The Allreds. I didn't want to use their name but nothing else seemed fitting so we broke down and stole it. Thanks guys for not hating us, and for coming up with such a great name.
Overall, it has been a good week. I had the baby Tuesday afternoon, and stayed at the hospital until Thursday afternoon. Garrick and Kelly and my Mom and Dad were so great, they took Taeya while I was in the hospital and they even brought us dinner the night I came home. Don't know what I would have done without them. The recovery from this delivery has been a million times better, I don't know why, but I'm not complaining.
The first night home wasn't so fun. She woke up at least every hour. She acted like she wanted to suck and suck, but of course the binki wouldn't stay in! Thank goodness Gordon was home to take care of the girls in the morning so I could get at least 2 hours of uninterupted sleep. Each night since we have been home gets a little better and she goes a little longer in between feedings. As of one week she is about every 2-3 hours, so hopefully we can only improve!! She really is a good baby. For the most part she just cries when she is hungry. She grunts the rest of the time.
Here are some photos of her first week:
1st Family Photo, minus Taeya of course. Anastyn was only a few minutes old! Delivery was quick and not too painful, thanks to an epidural! Like I mentioned above, I was totally shocked that she was a girl. It made it such a fun suprise and I am so happy to have 2 little girls.

Anastyn and Mom at the hospital. 1 1/2 days old! (Of course we were referring to her as "baby" at the time).

Proud Dad and Anastyn, 1 1/2 days old. Gordon stayed with me at the hospital. He was a big help in the night and I liked having him there.

Me and my girls! Taeya was so funny in the hospital. She came and saw the baby the night she was born and she was so sweet and gentle with her. She wanted to examine her fingers and toes. I don't know why the doctors and nurses have to bother you all night and morning long, but it was funny after about the 4th interrunption she said, "who's going to come in next?" I thought that was funny, and it summed up the whole hospital stay.

We called my mom the morning after I had the baby and I said, "Taeya do you want to come and see the baby today," and she said "not for 15 weeks!" So she obviously had a great time at Papa and Nana's.

During my pregnancy we kept telling Taeya that the babies name was Calloway, which is what it was going to be if she was a he, so she was so confused and couldn't remember the babies name. She wanted us to name her "Emily."

This picture wouldn't turn, but I had to show how little they look in the car seat. (Although my car seat is smaller than some, so she doesn't look quite so big in there!) 2 days old and ready to go home!

3 days old, and snoozing in the swing.

3 1/2 days old, 1st bath. Of course she cried through the whole thing. Taeya enjoyed helping! She is always by my side when I give the baby baths.

All nice and warm in Daddy's arms.

Sleeping beauty, 4 days old.

Still sleeping, 5 days old.

7 days old, with big sister Taeya. Already at 1 week old, Taeya has taken her off the bed once, and carried her across the room twice, almost giving me heart attacks all three times. I thought I was keeping a good eye on her, but obviously I need to try harder. When I asked Taeya what she thought of her new baby sister she said, "I think it's great!" I don't know if she really thinks is't so great, she has been a lot more emotional. I am trying to give her a lot of attention, but I think I still must fall short. A common phrase around our household this past week has been, "as soon as I'm done feeding the baby!"
Thank you! Great post. Why on earth do you look so BEAUTIFUL in these pictures??? Hmmm... Adorable baby girl!
How cute is she I love the pictures does she look like Taeya as a baby? I just found out we are having a girl in Feb.
So cute. Congratulations again. When I have a girl (I'm have to one day) I am going to name her Tess!
Yay! I am loving seeing all these fun pics! You are out and about already! And, I well remember the days of "after I feed the baby"--pretty soon Taeya will be saying "mom, after you feed the baby will you..." They learn quick! They are both so gorgeous :) Take care!
oh, I guess I was signed in as Aubrey (she's here visiting) it's me, Carrie :)
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