Anastyn's 2 week birthday was on September 29th. At her 2 week appointment she weighed a whopping 9 1bs 4 oz, and is 20 3/4 inches long. She is obviously getting enought to eat, and was really crunched up when they only measured her 18 inches at birth. Here are some of the moments in her 2nd week of life:

Anastyn and Dad on her 2nd week birthday. Gordon sure loves his little "angel" as he refers to her. She seems to be a pretty good baby. She just grunts, and grunts, and grunts. She sneezes all the time also, and when she gets mad I can't tell if she is sneezing or getting upset, they sound the same!! She still only sleeps for 2-3 hours at a time at night. Gordon has been so great to help me. I will feed her right before I go to bed, then he will take her downstairs and watch a movie or go to sleep. He holds her off with the binki as long as he can so I can have some un-interrupted sleep. She is a great eater in the night-time but the daytime is a different story, what a little snacker! It seems like she only eats for a few minutes before falling asleep.
Taeya still loves her little sister, but hasn't been picking her up, thank-goodness. Maybe I am just being more careful?

We had a few visitors for Sunday dinner when Anastyn was 12 days old. Grandpa and Grandma Laura were in Hawaii for 2 weeks when Anastyn was born, so they finally came to meet their newest Grand-daughter.

Micah, Ariel, and Landon (not in the picture) came for a visit on Sunday as well.

Anastyn, 10 days old, not hating a little tummy time.
I love reading your moments to remember on the side. They crack me up. The President Monson one is hilarious. Your girls are both so beautiful.
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