Wednesday, September 30, 2009
4 Down, None to Go!
Posted by Brandalyn at 8:59 AM 3 comments
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
One Week Old
Here are some photos of her first week:

Posted by Brandalyn at 9:27 PM 5 comments
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Utah Lake

Posted by Brandalyn at 8:26 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
It's a........
She was born September 15, 2009 at 4:18 pm
Posted by Brandalyn at 6:58 PM 17 comments
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Pregnancy, Labor and Delivery
8-27-09 36 weeks pregnant
Dr. Jones checked me the day of my 36 week appointment. I was pleasantly suprised that I was already dialated to a 3 and 50% thinned. By this point I was feeling huge. I had gained about 35 pounds and was reading into everyones question, "When are you due?" To me that was saying, "you are huge, I can't believe you haven't delivered that baby yet!" For the most part I was still feeling good. My back would hurt from standing, and it was hard for me to hold Taeya, and I was quite swollen.
Things started getting a little discouraging when I wasn't more dialated at my 37, or 38 week appointments. The nurse told me I was a turkey. I had reached my "done" point because I was measuring 40 weeks pregnant at the 38 week appointment. That is just what every pregnant women wants to hear. I was getting a little worried and Dr. Jones was talking about inducing me, we had the induction date set for September 18th.
I thought it would be really cool to have the baby on 09-09-09, and I got excited when I started having contraction on the morning of September 8th. I had them consistently for about 2 hours, than they stopped. On September 9th I bought some Castor Oil and was tempted to drink some. I didn't, but I did try pumping, it didn't work either. Same thing happened pretty much every night when I got done working, I would have contractions for a few hours, than they would stop. Gordon and I would walk up and down the streets at night, I even tried jogging a few times. It wasn't that I was so uncomfortable that I woud do anything to have the baby, I think it was just that I wanted the un-known to be over. I still had clients scheduled through September 16th.
I worked a long 7 hours on Monday, September 14th. When I got home that night I had the usual contractions. Each time I have these contractions I find myself thinking, "maybe this is it?" But of course a few hours later they would stop. On September 15th at about 4:30 am I woke up to pretty strong contractions, these ones were the real thing, much more crampy then the others. I started timing them, and they were anywhere from 3 minutes to 10 minutes apart. They would be 3 minutes apart for 4-5 contractions, than they would be 5 minutes apart for 4-5 contractions and so on. I figured this was it, but I still needed to get Taeya to school at 10:00 am, and I had a doctors appointment scheduled for 10:20 am. So Gordon went to work, on standby, and I got up and got ready for the day as usual, taking extra care to pack a bag for Taeya just in case.
At around 9:30 am, the contractions slowed down considerably. They were around 20 minutes apart, and I kind of stopped timing them feeling a little frustrated. In the back of my mind, I still figured that Doctor Jones would send me over to the hospital. I knew he was on call so I got my bags ready just in case. I called Kelly and let her know the situation and she was ready to pick Taeya up from school if I needed her to.
At the doctors appointment they told me that Doctor Jones was delivering a baby and the nurse was going to just talk to me. I told her that I wanted to talk to the doctor about being induced so she had me wait for him to finish delivering the baby. I didn't have to wait long. When he came in I told him what was going on and talked to him about my concerns with being induced. Then he checked me and discovered that I was dialated to a 5 and about 90% thinned. That was a little shocking. He said he was worried that my water would break at any time, so he encouraged me to just go to the hospital.

Posted by Brandalyn at 8:54 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 10, 2009
1st Day of School
Posted by Brandalyn at 9:39 PM 5 comments