-She is 31 lbs (50 percentile), and 39 inches tall (90 percentile). The doctor said she is on track to be 5'8".
-Hanging out with my nephews at my mom and dad's house, she has found a love for climbing trees!
-She loves to dress-up, lately her favorites are swimsuits, and ballerina costumes.
-She changes her clothes at least 3 times a day (usually more).
-When she has "clothes" on she prefers ones that show her arm pits (Tank Tops).
-She still loves her princess poly pockets, but she plays with "My Little Pony" alot also.
-She loves to pretend she is a dog, or the mom, or the kid.
-She loves books.
-She recently sat through to her second movie, "Hannah Montanta." (of Hannah Monatana as she says it).
-She loves to play outside in the sandbox.
-Still takes swim lessons, and is a great little swimmer.
-She is fiesty and stubborn.
-She sleeps in a big girl bed, finally, but I usually have to lay with her for a few minutes.
-She loves to have her back tickled.
-She loves to cuddle while watching a movie.
-Lately she has found a love of eating cereal, but she also likes yogurt, cheese, peanut butter and jelly, toast, chocolate shakes (my protein shakes), strawberry milk, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, burritos, chips, hotdogs, hamburgers, chicken nuggets, french fries, (pretty much McDonald's food!), corn on the cobb, broccoli, carrots and dip, pizza. I am sure the list goes on and on, but I would say that this is her "main" diet.
I asked Taeya a few questions, I don't think the answers are accurate, but this is what she said:
What is your favorite color? Red (I think she said Red because Kira, the next door neighbor loves red)
Who is your best friend? Rya (whoever that is!!)
What is your favorite thing to do? Eat broccoli and cereal (She really does like to eat them both)
What is your favorite toy? Cinderella
What's your favorite movie? "Dora and the 3 Little Pigs" (She had just rented this movie the night before, I don't think she really has a favorite movie right now, she has been watching "Polar Express," and "Condor Man" lately)
What is your favorite thing to do outside? Play in the sand
Who is your favorite princess? Cinderella (I actually think it's Ariel)
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