On July 11th, Gordon and his sister Cherly did the Echo Triathalon. They both competed in the Olympic category (1 mile swim, 24 mile bike, and 6 mile run). I was a little worried about Taeya and I hanging out in between events, but she did great. They had a little kids table with crafts, so Taeya made Gordon a little sign (with my help), to cheer Gordon on.
Taeya and Gordon getting ready to start the swim.

Coming out of the swim and heading to the transition area to get his bike.

I missed a picture of him coming in on his bike, he was faster than I thought so we weren't paying very close attention. By the time we saw him it was too late to get a shot. So this was at the end of the run, he was so happy to be done! The run is the hardest part for Gordon, his goal this tri was to run the whole thing, and he did. He said he didn't even stop to drink water, he drank on the run!

The end! After I took the above photo, Gordon grabbed Taeya and ran with her across the finish line. He got a lot of cheers!

When Cheryl came running in, Gordon ran the rest of the way with her!

Taeya was so tired from waking up early, that while we were waiting for the awards, she fell asleep. Thank goodness it was an overcast day, and not too hot. (I know I am huge already!)

Gordon and Cheryl

Gordon took second place in his category.

And Cheryl took first place in her category.
Way to go guys! Maybe I will join them next year. (Probably not, but you never know!)
Stop it- you look great and so does Gordon in his spandex! :)
Wow! Way to go Gordon! I think you should do it next year B!!
So, I just did an olympic triathlon, but I didn't even come close to placing! Tell Gordon I say congrats, that is awesome.
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