Lake Powell was cut a few days short so we could go to Yakima, Washington for a family reunion for Gordon's mom's family. We left lake powell Thursday afternoon, got home around 9:00 pm, unpacked then packed again. Woke up at 5:00 am, to catch a 7:30 am flight to Seattle. Rented a car in Seattle, then drove 4 hours to the reunion. It was outside of Yakima at a camp called Camp Zarahemla. It is church owned camp (in case you couldn't tell by the name!).
We got there just as they were finishing lunch. After we ate what was left of lunch we went down to the lake, visited with cousins, and went on a canoe ride. Taeya wanted to go swimming, so we put her suit on, but as soon as she felt the temperature of the water, she decided to just put her feet in. It was COLD, and compared to lake powell's 80 degree water, it was freezing.
After a canoe ride and some ice cream, we took a drive around the camp, had dinner and a talent show, visited some more with cousins, and went to bed. We were so tired after all of our traveling that we crashed!
In the morning it was breakfast, then cleaning up the cabin/lodge before heading to Yakima. In Yakima we drove around town, swam in the pool at the motel, visited the farm, had dinner then went to see the fireworks. (We had to do something that was related to Independence Day)!
Sunday morning we got up, ate some breakfast, them drove back to Seattle, and headed home. It was a quick weekend, but we were glad that we were able to go and enjoy family!
Gordon and Taeya

Ashley and Sadi Batchelor

Joseph, Paul, Matthew, Adam, Rachel, Samuel, and Emily Roberts

Taeya and Gordon watching the fireworks.

Rachel, Sam, and Sadi watching the fireworks too!