Taeya had her 1st dentist appointment on April 2nd with Dr. Shae Bess We talked alot about it before we went and what they were going to do to her. We even read a book about going to the dentist. I think she was a little nervous when she actually climbed into the chair, but the put little headphones on her so she could watch cartoons and she barely even moved.
The dentist said her teeth looked great, not even any stains. Taeya was excited that she didn't have any "buggies" in her teeth. He did say we are on the road to braces because her mouth is already crowded.
Afterwards she got a Snow White toothbrush and a little whistle. She loved it. The next day she asked me when we could go to the dentist again! ( I forgot my camera, so I had to use the camera on my phone, so the images are really small. I figured it was better than nothing!)

what a big girl!!! Well done
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