We had a great time in St. George this past weekend. My sister-in-law Kristy helped me get started on Taeya's baby book, and my brother Ryan and Gordon entertained the kids. On Saturday they went for a "Rhino" ride. The kids had a blast, Taeya was singing the whole way. Thanks Ryan and Kristy for a great weekend, we really enjoyed it!
Taeya singing while they ride!
She is such a cutie. My girls love going for Rhino rides. Love all the pictures and the Halloween costumes.
Sooooo cute!!!! Yay, I got to your blog through my "blogging family" and it was so nice and easy this time :) hehe..
Hey, I have a question for you. We are going to try to take a family picture around the 20th. I can't get into you before then so I was wondering who you would recommend me to to put some layers in my hair. And who I could get into in that short time! Thanks, I just don't know who to trust but you!
I'm doing a tag workshop tommorow (tues.) check my blog for details. I know late notice. But it will be fun & you can come wayy late if you want to.
I wish I had your e-mail addy.
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