Saturday, July 5, 2008

Stadium of Fire

Every year since I can remember I have gone to the Stadium of Fire. This year we tried to get tickets but as you all know, they sold out in like 20 minutes. At first I was mad and wanted to boycott the whole thing, but as it was getting closer I didn't really want to let the tradition die. Gordon knew this and surprised me with tickets. Unfortunately we had to pay $75 for $45 seats just to have some friends offer us tickets the next day for face value, oh well!! We had a fun time and it made my Independence Day complete!

Gordon and Taeya

Taeya and Brandalyn

Taeya during Miley Cyrus

Taeya during the Fireworks

Our Highlights: The Parachuters, The Jets, The Horses that were representing the Olympics Horse Jumping, Blue Man Group, and Taeya sitting through the entire program!


Berly said...

I am glad you had a good time at stadium of fire. It was great visiting with you again. We shouldn't wait so long next time.

Holland said...

Those easter pictures are adorable. I love her dress and that flower is so cute in her hair. I am shocked that she lasted through stadium of fire. I don't know if I could even last.

The Steel's said...

What, you should have taken us too. We really wanted to go, but lame Miley Cyrus had to be right! Taeya's pictures are darling, oh my gosh, you should send those in somehwere..what a babe!

Tara said...

Taeya is such a doll. I love her hair. I like Miley so I am jealous that you got to go to Stadium of Fire.

The Farrell Family said...

Hi Brandalyn, it's Ashley (Lewis) Farrell. I found your blog through Amy's. Looks like you guys are doing well. Your little girl is darling! I love those Easter pics!

C Hall said...

I felt just like Taeya during Miley...

It was so GOOD to see you guys!(in person) For now, the blog will have to do. If only you could do my hair through the blog...

love you all-