Thursday, June 26, 2008

Swim Lessons

Taeya has been taking "survival" swim lessons for almost 3 weeks now. They have been private lessons every day, 20 minutes long. The first 2 weeks she cried through the entire lesson which I was really suprised about because she loves swimming so much. This 3rd week she has loved going.

These lessons teach her how to save herself is she falls into the water, or if she jumps in (which she did today right before her lesson and I almost had to jump in to get her! Luckily with one foot in the water I was able to grab her leg and pull her towards me. She oviously hasn't perfected her skills and that is why we are still taking lessons)!

The lessons are supposed to teach her to immediately roll over onto her back when she jumps into the water. Then she floats to the side of the pool and as soon as she bumps her head she knows to roll over and grab the wall. She can grab the wall great, but we are still working on rolling onto her back when she jumps into the water, and floating on her back on her own. She does great while you hold her, but as soon as you let go she starts kicking! After she learns to save herself then they actually teach her how to swim!

Taeya and her teacher Katelyn. Today was the 1st day that she actually wore the goggles.

Taeya floating with some help.

Floating on her own for about 5 seconds! (We are making progress!)


Morris Family said...

Avery and Boston did this. Isn't it amazing!? I think it's so cool to watch and see what they are capable of. Taeya looks so cute with goggles on :)

C Hall said...

You may as well be Aussie! I'm amazed by all the little kids and babies that are swimming here. It's awesome. My bigger kids are in swim lessons with 5 & 6 year olds. Needless to say, they don't like that, but it motivates them to try harder.

I guess we'll have to get our little Tay in the water soon!

Can't wait to see you!
love, c

Holland said...

That is pretty amazing. I need to do that with Kate. I love the picture with her goggles on.

The Milligan Blog said...

Sooo cool! We'll have to join when we get back!! Brielle is a stinkin fish in the water right now. She is soo brave that it makes me nervous. She stands on the step in the pool and jumps off and tries to swim to me. I stand pretty far away from her too. We need to work on the floating though. Tayea's got it down! Shes so cute! These girls are gonna love to go swimming together!!

Thompson Family said...

Maybe she will be a swimmer! We are coming back to Utah on Saturday and I will be there for 3 weeks. Then we will be in Arizona for the month of August and then we will be in Utah until May. Ben finds out in March where we will be going for residency. We are moving back into the condo that we lived in when Anna was born. AJ just moved out of it. So that is the quick run down! I will call you when I get to Utah.