Friday, May 23, 2008

Hogle Zoo

My friend and I (Heather) decided to take our kids to the zoo before it got too hot and too crowded (with all of the kids being out of school). We had a great morning. They were feeding the monkeys lettuce and the elephants hay when we first got there. The kids really liked seeing the animals eating.

Taeya loved watching the elephants eating their hay for breakfast.

Taeya, Cohen, and Olivia in the Giraffe house (they look a little sad, it was lunch time!!)

You have to look really close to see this but there was a Tortoise trying to escape through the net. Taeya had to get a closer look. She kept trying to put her fingers in its mouth.

After I left the zoo I found myself feeling bad for the p0or animals, I am sure they are so bored. This poor Tortoise was a great example, he really wanted to get out! I guess most of them don't know any differently, they were probably born in a cage.


Mike and Mandy said...

I can't believe how beautiful taeya is! It is so fun to get to peek in at your cute life, it's crazy how my world has changed and I have missed some of the "great" parts of my old life. Thanks for sharing! -Mandy

The Milligan Blog said...

You should have cut and pasted a picture of Brielle in a stroller too!! :) She would have fit right in yeah?? :) OOooohhhh, so cute. I love all your pics Brandilyn! I know, i know, I need to update mine now :)

The Steel's said...

We should have planned to go to the Zoo the same day..or maybe we did go the same. Cute pictures. Taeya is getting so big and cute. So this week is turning out to be a crazy week for us..maybe next week. Sorry! I will call you soon to see what you have going on.