I have always heard great things about the charter school Mountainville. Overall Taeya has had a great experience with awesome teachers at Cedar Ridge so I didn't have too many reasons to switch schools. After a long week-end at Heathers and my gut feelings that I should just put Taeya on a waiting list at the school, I finally did it. This was probably in May and I think Taeya was around 65th of the waiting list. The summer went by and I kind of put Mountainville out of my mind. She started school at Cedar Ridge and things were going okay. She is a great student, a little chatty, but she enjoys it. The trouble was with her friends. I can't nail down the specifics of the problem but I could just tell that she wasn't very happy. Taeya is the type of girl that does awesome with just one friend. Sometimes she gets a little jealous of overwhelmed with a lot of friends. Well, the Friday before Anastyn's birthday party I got a phone call from Mountainville telling me that they had an opening. I only had 24 hours to tell them whether or not she wanted to attend. The phone call totally took me off guard, it took me a few seconds to even figure out what the person on the other end of the call was talking about! With Anastyn's birthday party the next day I really didn't have alot of time to look into the school. I had never even set foot in the school and wasn't even sure why I had put her name on the waiting list after all. I called the school and asked if I could have until Monday morning. Then Monday morning I asked if we could take a tour of the school before I gave our answer. I think they were a little annoyed with me, but they agreed. After school on Monday, Taeya, Gordon, and I went on a tour. Overall we were very impressed. We were able to actually go into her classroom and see her teacher and the students were all really cute and nice and were very excited about the potential student! The things we liked about the school is the class size is maxed at 25 students but there is an aid in the classroom. The students are placed in groups based on level for Math and Reading. Little Caesars pizza is served on Wednesdays, and early out day is Friday at 12:30 pm. I wanted the choice to be Taeya's. Gordon and I had been praying about how to help Taeya and we felt like this was the answer but we both wanted Taeya to make the decision.
After the tour we talked to her in the car on the way home. She said she wanted to go to Mountainville. I asked her if she was sure, and she said she choose yes cause she didn't want to think about it anymore! :) They told us we could start the very next day. I asked her if we could start Wednesday cause I wanted to give her a chance to say goodbye to her friends and teacher, and I needed to get some uniform clothes! It was actually really sad to say goodbye to her teacher at Cedar Ridge, I got a little emotional saying goodbye (I blame it on the pregnancy).
I think Taeya was a little nervous the first day but she did so great and was so brave. She said all of the kids were really nice to her. I am so proud of her for making the hard decision and going through changing to a new school 3 weeks into the school year. We are in a great carpool with 3 other families in the neighborhood and I think things are going to work out well!
Taeya is pretty excited about her 2nd first day of school! And she looks pretty darn cute in her uniform. |
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