Kelly and I decided it would be fun to visit the Whitmer's this year for Spring Break We left after church on Easter and stopped in Moab that night. We had breakfast in Blanding Monday morning, it was so great to see Heather - she was a saint for making us a yummy breakfast (even if I did invite myself!). We made it to Arizona in great time and had a blast with the Whitmer's. Arizona was nice and hot the first day we were there, but the weather got a little cooler the other days - I packed wrong! I was planning on heat and it was only around 75ish. I will tell you all about the trip through the following pictures:
The girls were great in the car - at least as good as they could be. They were so excited to get there! |
Karsten, Anastyn, and Jayne - These 3 were little buddies - bath time together is always fun and wet! |
Sadly Kierra had school during the day - Taeya was a little sad that she didn't get to spend 24/7 with her "best cousin." |
We went and got pedicures one evening. Taeya loved it - Anastyn wanted one but I painted her nails when we got home instead. |
Kenzly, Kelly, and Jayne also got manicures and pedicures. (Kimberly did to but I didn't end up with a picture of her). |
Jayne held so still - I was impressed. |
Karsten was a great little chaufeur. Thank goodness Anastyn had no desire to drive and Karsten was happy to be the driver! |
Taeya and Kierra - One night we went to "Organ Stop Pizza." It's this massive organ that plays popular toons, it's loud and fun. The girls really enjoyed it. |
Jayne thought it was a little loud. |
Anastyn was very intrigued. |
Jayne, Anastyn, Taeya, and Karsten - We went to the pool one afternoon while we waited for the kids to get home from school. |
Anastyn was making the life guards a little nervous - I don't think they are as confident in her swimming abilities as I am! |
Karsten, Taeya, Jayne, and Anastyn - it was only 78 degrees so it was a little chilly when the kids got out of the water. |
We went to Kimball's baseball game one night. Jayne and Anastyn had twinner hair and they were great little friends that night as well. |
Kenzly was very into her book - she spent the whole evening reading. |
Anastyn, Taeya, and Kierra - we went to dinner at a Mexican Restaurant after the game. |
Silly girls. |
Kelly, Me, and Kimberly (somehow I didn't get any pictures of Kimball). |
Some of the things I didn't capture on camera - yummy meals, shopping at the San Tan Mall, Dress-ups with Kenzly, a few runs, lots and lots of chatting late at night, matching skirts I made for Taeya and Kierra, so much fun! Thanks so much Kimberly for being such a great hostess. We had a great time. Hopefully we will be back again real soon.