I turned the big 32 this year. Crazy how the years are flying by, I can't believe I am 32. I sure don't feel 32, but then again, what does a 32 year old feel like??
Despite the age change I had a great day. Gordon made me breakfast in bed, then we had a nurse come and take our blood and all that fun stuff for Life Insurance (cause 32 year olds need life insurance, right??). I did a little exercising and got ready for the day, then we headed up to park city to check out the outlets. I am gone alot during the week between working and young women's so I hated to leave the girls home another night. So they came with us. Shopping would have been a whold lot easier with out them, but they did good considering. By the time I was done shopping (I shouldn't say "done" because I definitely could've spent more time but Gordon and the girls were "done") we were all starving so we ended up at Cafe Rio for dinner, since it was my birthday I did splurge and got a Tres Leche, yummy! After dinner we headed home and got the girls to bed then Gordon and I watched "Charlie St. Cloud."
Gordon got me some new gloves and some workout clothes. I got 2 pair of pants, 2 shirts, a pair of shoes, and some more workout clothes at the outlets. I was so proud of myself, the only thing I got for the girls was a pair of pajamas for Taeya! What a great day! Happy Birthday to Me!
Me and My Girls - it's impossible to get a great picture of all 3 of us! |