For Gordon's 30th birthday (4 years ago) we went to Disneyland, ever since then I told Gord we needed to do something fun for my 30th also. I had big dreams of going on a tropical vacation to some exotic place, but since my travel budget got used on my Philippines trip we decided Disneyland would be a great 2nd choice!
We drove to St. George on Friday, February 20th and stayed the night at some friends house. Saturday morning we got up and drove the rest of the way. Suprisingly Taeya did really well on the drive.
Sunday was a relaxing day. We really didn't do much at all. We went on a long walk, read while Taeya took a nap, grabbed some dinner at an outdoor mall close to our hotel, and that is was pretty much it.
Monday morning was California Adventure. We met up with some friends (The Marshall Family, from St. George) and spend Monday and Tueday with them. We had a fun time at California Advenutre. It was our first trip to this park. Since we went with some friends we were even able to enjoy some of the bigger rides. Taeya had fun in the little bug land, but to her the highlight was the parade they had in the evening. She loved it!

Outside the park, waiting for the Marshall's. Taeya thought she would take a little nap!

The 3 of us just inside the park. (This was the best picture we could get).

Right off we saw Minnie Mouse.

We also saw Stitch, but Taeya had no idea who he was.

Kip and Amy on the Toy Story ride. We loved this one.

The carousel was a highlight for Taeya. Later on in the day Gordon found a horse that always stopped at the back so the employees didn't see that he stayed on. They went around at least 6 times in a row!

Gordon, Taeya, Mckay, and McKenzie on a silly little train ride. They were trying to act like they were having fun!

Taeya and Gordon with the 3-D glasses for a "Bug's Life."

Another highlight for Taeya was this big tree playground. She loved getting wet in the little water, until the employee came by and told me she had to have shoes on. What mom wants their kids to wear shoes in the water? I just couldn't figure that one out. The bad thing was that her pants got wet and then she insisted on taking them off.

Taeya and Gordon watching the parade. I couldn't get Taeya to look at the camera because she was loving the parade.
The park closed shortly after the parade. So we went back to our room, ordered pizza and tried to get to bed a little early for our next day at Disneyland.

Taeya and Gordon waiting for the park to officially "open."

The first ride we went on was the "teacups." Gordon just observed from the side, but thank goodness Taeya wasn't strong enough to turn the cups.

Classic shot of us in front of the Castle

Gordon and Taeya waiting in line for "It's a Small World."

The longest line of the day was waiting to see the princesses. We waited for about and hour and 15 minutes. Taeya was a little worn out by the time we got to the beginning of the line! She wore her Cinderella dress, but of course Cinderella was not one of the princesses we got to see.

After this trip Taeya has a new love for Belle. She was so sweat and nice, and Taeya just loved talking to her.

Next was Snow White

Snow White lead her over to Sleeping Beauty.

Sleeping Beauty was last. Taeya just kept smiling, she loved seeing the princesses.

After the princesses we headed over to Toone Town. She loved "Goofy's Go Coaster." All day long she kept asking to go on the roller coaster, that one was the only one she was tall enough for. Most of them you have to be 40" and unfortunately Taeya is only around 36" (which is still pretty tall for a 2 year old). This is Me, McKenzie and Taeya in the car. We had a mystery little girl who just really wanted to be in the car also. I am not quite sure where her parents were?

Amy, McKenzie, me, Taeya, Gordon, Kip, and McKay (on Kips shoulders and is not visible). We all enjoyed the Fantasmic show at the end of the day.

Taeya watching the show.

Taeya was so tired that she told Gordon she needed to take a "night-time nap" as we were walking out of the park. She immediately fell asleep.
Wednesday the Marshall's headed back to St. George and we enjoyed a morning at Newport Beach. I didn't get any pictures because I charged the battery on the camera, then forgot to put it back in. Bummer, since it was Taey's first time at the beach. It was a chilly morning, and of course the water was freezing, but Taeya still insisted on wearing her swimsuit. She told us she wanted to build a snowman in the sand. We tried with no success, so she settled for a mermaid, and a castle.
The rest of the afternoon we spent hanging out at the hotel, swimming and trying to give Teaya a nap (with no success). In the evening we met up with our friend Matt Woods. We were going to go to his house and have dinner there but his kids had Pink Eye and Pneumonia, so we met up with him for dinner at the Cheesecake Factory instead.
We weren't planning on going to Disneyland again, but Thursday morning we woke up with no official plans and figured Disneyland will never be this in-expensive again since we didn't have to pay for Taeya, so at the last minute we decided to head back for another day. We were not disappointed. It was twice as crowded but it was still only a 15 minute of less wait to go on most rides.

Another classic Disneyland photo.

This day we thought we would see the princesses in the morning hoping the line would be a little shorter. Unfortunately it wasn't, and to our luck after waiting in line another hour and 15 minutes, we saw the same exact princesses! Once again Belle was so sweat. Taeya is so observant, she asked her why her dress was off her shoulers like it was. Belle told her that from where she comes from that is the latest fashion!

Taeya and Sleeping Beauty

Taeya and Snow White

Me and Taeya on some ride (I am just not sure which one).

Taeya and I on Dumbo. (Gordon refused to go on anything that would just go in circles)!

So the 3rd time was the charm. Towards the end of the day, the line for the princesses was about half the length it usually was, and this time we got lucky. Taeya loved seeing Jasmine. For about a month previous to the trip she would refer to Gordon as "Eric" as in Ariel and Prince Eric. But now that we have been home she has broadened her names, and now he is even Alladin occasionally, and of course she is Jasmine.

We were extra lucky because Ariel was talking Pocahontas place, so Pocahontas quickly gave Taeya a hug before leaving.

Taeya was so excited to finally see Ariel!

Belle just one more time! I was so impressed with Belle. She remembered her from earlier in the day! Taeya was still excited to see her and as you can see from her big smiles, she thoroughly enjoyed herself.

All of us with Belle.

Taeya and I on the "rocket" ride as she called it.

Once again, walking out of the park Taeya fell asleep. She was tired from all the fun we had. I am so glad we took this trip to Disneyland. We have been home now for about 3 weeks and Taeya still talks about it. Her least favorite ride was the "parrot" ride as she calls it, (Pirates of the Carribean). We think it was a little scary, and she didn't like the little drop off in the dark, because it rained on her hair. (That's what she says at least). We went on it 2 times and she was fine, just kind of snuggled close, but the 3rd time, she threw a fit when we got in the boat, so we just walked right off. I didn't think it was worth a fight and it was the end of the day anyway!
Friday morning we went swimming, packed up, and drove to St. George where we stayed for the rest of the weekend.
Daylen and Taeya
We were hoping to help Ryan and Kristy with some painting projects in their new house, but it wasn't ready for us yet, so we just enjoyed the time visiting. Ryan and Gordon took the kids on a Rhino ride Saturday afternoon, which they loved! That night we ate dinner at Texas Roadhouse, then watched a movie.
We left St. George Sunday morning at made it home just in time to unload the car, change our clothes, and make it to the last 2 hours of church. (I didn't find a substitute for primary)!
We had such a great trip full of wonderful memories.